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Our most favorite photos so far

We wanted to share with you some of the great experiences we had with our customers, so we sat down to choose our 10 favorite wedding pictures of the season. Boy, did we underestimate the task!

Pre-Wedding Photography Prague

Not only did we have to go over literally hundreds of pictures, but we also found out that tastes can be different. Very very different.

We spent the whole afternoon debating about photographic qualities and aesthetic values. In the end we figured, that it is not about the ranking of each individual picture, but about the overall pleasure of looking at them.

So here are our 10 favorite pre-wedding pictures. Enjoy!

Pre-Wedding Photography Prague
10. Is this Sky for real? (it is)

Pre-Wedding Photography Prague
9. Sunshine Morning

Pre-Wedding Photography Switzerland
8. Tree of Love

Pre-Wedding Photography Prague
7. Swan Queen

Pre-Wedding Photography Prague
6. Together

Pre-Wedding Photography Prague
5. White Sparkle

Pre-Wedding Photography Vienna
4. at the Royal Residence

Pre-Wedding Photography Prague
3. Dancing Red Flower

2. Glowing Shadows

Pre-Wedding Photography Switzerland
1. Countryside Wedding

Of course we didn't succeed choosing 10 pictures only... here's the extra:

Pre-Wedding Photography Prague


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